Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Lantlôs - Full Lengths

I don't have a lot to stay about this one, it probably wont make any new fans of the new "post-"/shoegaze black metal thing going on, but it's a nice pickup for all the Alcest/Altar of Plauges/Amesoeurs/WitTR fans out there (The vocalist is/was a member of two of those). Lantlôs is German but I don't make a point of it because they don't sound overly German, if you know what I mean.
.Neon is the best of the three albums if you ask me. The s/t is solid but obviously still trying to find itself, and their newest, Agape, left me feeling like I'd only had half an album.

Quality: v0
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2008 - Lantlôs (2011 reissue) (reissue includes Îsern Himel demo)
2010 - .Neon
2011 - Agape (collectors edition)