Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Keith Merrow - Lonestar Transcend (2009)

Merrow is the one-man band project of Keith Merrow, a Portland, Oregon resident. Played in a frenetic djent style falling somewhere between early Meshuggah, Tesseract, and Cloudkicker, Merrow's debut EP, Lonestar Transcend, is a decent mix between ambient and busy riffs. The production value isn't perfect since he produced it in a home studio with sequenced drums, but the talent and sheer groove of the riffs is undeniable. Unlike many djent artists who release their first EP essentially based around three chords and banging on the lowest string, Merrow manages to make each riff unique and interesting (some with their share of banging on the lowest string, but most not). Overall, the level of complexity of this vocal-less project would interest any guitar player or music lover who has theory interest, or anyone who just loves groovy riffs.
Review and link by aidz.