Saturday, December 12, 2009

Natron - Rot Among Us (2009)

Here is the seventh release from the self-proclaiming “Italian Godfathers of Death,” Natron, titled Rot Among Us. With a potent combination of death metal and thrash, Natron hardly create a paradigmatic shift for this brand of music, but its execution and sheer intensity more than make up for a lack of originality, as its punishing nature, in terms of furious tremolo picking and ground-shaking double-base and blast-beat drumming, along with moments of technical progressive conventions, should satisfy just about any fan of this sub-genre. And, as an added horror-movie-geek bonus, I’ll be damned if that’s not special make-up effects artist Tom Savini in the lower right-hand corner of the cover! (Like I said, it’s a geek bonus.) What are you waiting for? Check it out and rot with the rest of us!