Monday, December 7, 2009

And The Hero Fails - Empire Smile [2006]

So this is one of my most cherished albums ever. Sure it's "metal-core" to you on first whim ... BUT NAY, MY FRIENDS. IT IS SO MUCH MORE! Taking everything good from the 'chaotic' and 'death'-core elements this band CRUSHES. I can't say there is a singular weak track (maybe the interlude with the wolf story - but that's still badass) here to speak of.
Every track is heavy and to the point. No wankery of over production that my ears noticed (but it may be so full of cocks - no care evar tho).
Fuck you, get it. Enjoy it and let me know it CHANGED YOUR RECTAL SPEWING LIFE

  • Quality: 192VBR - LAME 3.9x - (self rip)
  • Pure Volume: Here
  • Here
  • Myspace: Here+
  • Download: Here