Wednesday, December 16, 2009

1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse (2004)

1349 is back with their third release, and it is the most proficient material to date, “such sweet disharmony, almost sacred in its blasphemy.” I like the formula, I like the sound quality (the details do not get buried). Great energy and technical precision. More complex than Liberation, it took me one listen to admit I really liked it and two spins to say I think it is one of the best of the year so far. It took a few more listens for me to decide that I like it best of their three disks. Speed, intensity, brutality, still the best three adjectives for 1349, have all been turned up another notch. The pace travels from warp speed to supersonic and back again, occasionally throwing in much slower sequences. The guitars stand out more, a much fuller presence, with more crunch and more volume. The drum sound it much better, more substance. The drums still dominate in terms of volume and Frost shows his skills once again. I love Ravn’s Ron Royce styled vocals but they are a little weaker in the mix this time, though I think he is a bit more expressive this time. Tjalve and Archaon have created some masterful guitar work and thankfully Seidemann has been given some room to move beyond filling in the rhythm. (review by Grimulfr)